This is a recurring event.
For a recurring event, a one day event will be created on each recurring date within this date range.
Timezone Abidjan Accra Addis Ababa Algiers Asmara Bamako Bangui Banjul Bissau Blantyre Brazzaville Bujumbura Cairo Casablanca Ceuta Conakry Dakar Dar es Salaam Djibouti Douala El Aaiun Freetown Gaborone Harare Johannesburg Juba Kampala Khartoum Kigali Kinshasa Lagos Libreville Lome Luanda Lubumbashi Lusaka Malabo Maputo Maseru Mbabane Mogadishu Monrovia Nairobi Ndjamena Niamey Nouakchott Ouagadougou Porto-Novo Sao Tome Tripoli Tunis Windhoek Adak Anchorage Anguilla Antigua Araguaina Argentina - Buenos Aires Argentina - Catamarca Argentina - Cordoba Argentina - Jujuy Argentina - La Rioja Argentina - Mendoza Argentina - Rio Gallegos Argentina - Salta Argentina - San Juan Argentina - San Luis Argentina - Tucuman Argentina - Ushuaia Aruba Asuncion Atikokan Bahia Bahia Banderas Barbados Belem Belize Blanc-Sablon Boa Vista Bogota Boise Cambridge Bay Campo Grande Cancun Caracas Cayenne Cayman Chicago Chihuahua Ciudad Juarez Costa Rica Creston Cuiaba Curacao Danmarkshavn Dawson Dawson Creek Denver Detroit Dominica Edmonton Eirunepe El Salvador Fortaleza Fort Nelson Glace Bay Goose Bay Grand Turk Grenada Guadeloupe Guatemala Guayaquil Guyana Halifax Havana Hermosillo Indiana - Indianapolis Indiana - Knox Indiana - Marengo Indiana - Petersburg Indiana - Tell City Indiana - Vevay Indiana - Vincennes Indiana - Winamac Inuvik Iqaluit Jamaica Juneau Kentucky - Louisville Kentucky - Monticello Kralendijk La Paz Lima Los Angeles Lower Princes Maceio Managua Manaus Marigot Martinique Matamoros Mazatlan Menominee Merida Metlakatla Mexico City Miquelon Moncton Monterrey Montevideo Montserrat Nassau New York Nome Noronha North Dakota - Beulah North Dakota - Center North Dakota - New Salem Nuuk Ojinaga Panama Paramaribo Phoenix Port-au-Prince Port of Spain Porto Velho Puerto Rico Punta Arenas Rankin Inlet Recife Regina Resolute Rio Branco Santarem Santiago Santo Domingo Sao Paulo Scoresbysund Sitka St Barthelemy St Johns St Kitts St Lucia St Thomas St Vincent Swift Current Tegucigalpa Thule Tijuana Toronto Tortola Vancouver Whitehorse Winnipeg Yakutat Casey Davis DumontDUrville Macquarie Mawson McMurdo Palmer Rothera Syowa Troll Vostok Longyearbyen Aden Almaty Amman Anadyr Aqtau Aqtobe Ashgabat Atyrau Baghdad Bahrain Baku Bangkok Barnaul Beirut Bishkek Brunei Chita Choibalsan Colombo Damascus Dhaka Dili Dubai Dushanbe Famagusta Gaza Hebron Ho Chi Minh Hong Kong Hovd Irkutsk Jakarta Jayapura Jerusalem Kabul Kamchatka Karachi Kathmandu Khandyga Kolkata Krasnoyarsk Kuala Lumpur Kuching Kuwait Macau Magadan Makassar Manila Muscat Nicosia Novokuznetsk Novosibirsk Omsk Oral Phnom Penh Pontianak Pyongyang Qatar Qostanay Qyzylorda Riyadh Sakhalin Samarkand Seoul Shanghai Singapore Srednekolymsk Taipei Tashkent Tbilisi Tehran Thimphu Tokyo Tomsk Ulaanbaatar Urumqi Ust-Nera Vientiane Vladivostok Yakutsk Yangon Yekaterinburg Yerevan Azores Bermuda Canary Cape Verde Faroe Madeira Reykjavik South Georgia Stanley St Helena Adelaide Brisbane Broken Hill Darwin Eucla Hobart Lindeman Lord Howe Melbourne Perth Sydney Amsterdam Andorra Astrakhan Athens Belgrade Berlin Bratislava Brussels Bucharest Budapest Busingen Chisinau Copenhagen Dublin Gibraltar Guernsey Helsinki Isle of Man Istanbul Jersey Kaliningrad Kirov Kyiv Lisbon Ljubljana London Luxembourg Madrid Malta Mariehamn Minsk Monaco Moscow Oslo Paris Podgorica Prague Riga Rome Samara San Marino Sarajevo Saratov Simferopol Skopje Sofia Stockholm Tallinn Tirane Ulyanovsk Vaduz Vatican Vienna Vilnius Volgograd Warsaw Zagreb Zurich Antananarivo Chagos Christmas Cocos Comoro Kerguelen Mahe Maldives Mauritius Mayotte Reunion Apia Auckland Bougainville Chatham Chuuk Easter Efate Fakaofo Fiji Funafuti Galapagos Gambier Guadalcanal Guam Honolulu Kanton Kiritimati Kosrae Kwajalein Majuro Marquesas Midway Nauru Niue Norfolk Noumea Pago Pago Palau Pitcairn Pohnpei Port Moresby Rarotonga Saipan Tahiti Tarawa Tongatapu Wake Wallis GMT UTC-12 UTC-11:30 UTC-11 UTC-10:30 UTC-10 UTC-9:30 UTC-9 UTC-8:30 UTC-8 UTC-7:30 UTC-7 UTC-6:30 UTC-6 UTC-5:30 UTC-5 UTC-4:30 UTC-4 UTC-3:30 UTC-3 UTC-2:30 UTC-2 UTC-1:30 UTC-1 UTC-0:30 UTC+0 UTC+0:30 UTC+1 UTC+1:30 UTC+2 UTC+2:30 UTC+3 UTC+3:30 UTC+4 UTC+4:30 UTC+5 UTC+5:30 UTC+5:45 UTC+6 UTC+6:30 UTC+7 UTC+7:30 UTC+8 UTC+8:30 UTC+8:45 UTC+9 UTC+9:30 UTC+10 UTC+10:30 UTC+11 UTC+11:30 UTC+12 UTC+12:45 UTC+13 UTC+13:45 UTC+14
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You can have single or multiple tickets, where certain tickets become available under certain conditions, e.g. early bookings, group discounts, maximum bookings per ticket, etc. Basic HTML is allowed in ticket labels and descriptions.
Total Spaces Individual tickets with remaining spaces will not be available if total booking spaces reach this limit. Leave blank for no limit.
Maximum Spaces Per Booking If set, the total number of spaces for a single booking to this event cannot exceed this amount.Leave blank for no limit.
Booking Cut-Off Date
You can override the default cancellation policy for this event, or leave the default rules in place. Additionally you can disable cancellation entirely for this specific event even if cancellation is generally permitted.
The current default setting is : Enabled
Can users cancel their booking? Default Yes No
Cancellation Cut-off hours before the event starts. PHP date intevals are also accepted, for example P1MT12H equals 1 month and 12 hours before the event starts. Add a negative number or minus sign to the start of the date interval to allow cancellations after events have started.
When your event is fully booked, you can enable a waitlist so people can sign up for when spaces become available due to cancellations. An event is considered fully booked if all available spaces are booked for an event. This is different from events where bookings are closed, meaning that spaces are still available but there are no more available tickets due to date or other restrictions.
Enable Waitlist?
Total Spaces Restrict how many spaces events will have availble for waitlisting. Leave blank for default 200, 0 for no limit.
Maximum Spaces Per Booking If set, the total number of spaces for a single booking to this event cannot exceed this amount. Leave blank for default 100, 0 for no limit.
Waitlist Approval Expiry Hours until an wait-listed booking can keep their reserved spot once it becomes available to them. If a booking is not completed within that time-frame the reservation is cancelled and the next wait-listed booking is allowed to book. Leave blank for default (48 hours), 0 for no limit.
You can choose to use a custom booking form, or leave as is to use the default booking form.
You can choose to require a booking to have been made for a specific event before this event becomes available for booking. Note that users will need to have booked the dependent event as a registered user to gain access to this event.
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